Kuruvi's Writings

The Surprisingly Culty Side of Everyday Life: Unveiling the Unexpected

Have you ever found yourself questioning the seemingly innocent activities or communities you're involved in? Perhaps a nagging feeling of unease lingers, a sense that something...
Kuruvi's Writings

The Surprisingly Culty Side of Everyday Life: Unveiling the Unexpected

Have you ever found yourself questioning the seemingly innocent activities or communities you're involved in? Perhaps a nagging feeling of unease lingers, a sense that something...

The Cosmic Evolution of Wealth Creation

When an individual decides to embark on the journey to greatness and wealth, that singular thought initiates a colossal process akin to the Big...

The Psychology Behind Billionaires: Unveiling the Big Bank Theory and Universal Laws of Wealth Creation

In the realm of immense wealth and the ascent to becoming a billionaire, the psychological underpinnings are as crucial as the strategic maneuvers and...

The “Riches vs. Relatives” Conundrum: Saving the World or Missing Family Gatherings?

Billionaires, with their vast wealth and influence, often proclaim their intentions to make the world a better place through philanthropic endeavors. However, there is...
Kuruvi's Writings

The Surprisingly Culty Side of Everyday Life: Unveiling the Unexpected

Have you ever found yourself questioning the seemingly innocent activities or communities you're involved in? Perhaps a nagging feeling of unease lingers, a sense that something...

The Cosmic Evolution of Wealth Creation

When an individual decides to embark on the journey to greatness and wealth, that singular thought initiates a colossal process akin to the Big...

The Psychology Behind Billionaires: Unveiling the Big Bank Theory and Universal...

In the realm of immense wealth and the ascent to becoming a billionaire, the psychological underpinnings are as crucial as the strategic maneuvers and...

The “Riches vs. Relatives” Conundrum: Saving the World or Missing Family...

Billionaires, with their vast wealth and influence, often proclaim their intentions to make the world a better place through philanthropic endeavors. However, there is...

Balancing Depopulation: Nature’s Answer versus Humanity’s Embrace of Artificial Systems

Introduction: Throughout history, nature has maintained a delicate balance through its own mechanisms of depopulation. However, as humans evolved and developed their own artificial...

Balancing the World: East Spirituality and West Science

In a rapidly evolving world, finding balance and harmony between different systems of knowledge and understanding is becoming increasingly important. The East, known for...